Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Baby Lily and Morgan

I went to the OBGYN today and Lily got a clean bill of health. I have 20 days left! I explained to the OB what was going on with my back and how severe the pain is and he agrees with my doctor that pain killers are the only way to go right now. Physical therapy would not help and they can't take her out early so the 23rd is for sure the date. Apparently, the narcotics they have prescribed will not harm Lily. She may have slight withdrawal (which is upsetting to me) but she will not get addicted in such a short time. I am going to stop taking the pain killers a week before the surgery to avoid any kind of withdrawal though just to be safe. Basically, I need to really take it easy and try and stay put which is very hard for me. I feel like I need to be doing a million things right now to prepare and even though my brain says yes physically I can't.

I also went out to the mall today and bought a couple items of clothing for Fall and for after I am no longer pregnant. I figured I should do it now since I won't be able to for a long while. Shopping just about killed me and I actually thought I wasn't going to make it out at one point. My back just gave out and wouldn't let me stand. Another wake up call that I am really pregnant and in bad shape. I just need to stay home. It's very frustrating.

I haven't edited any photos yet so instead you will get a little news update. Morgan has figured out how to climb up on the furniture all by himself causing no end of trouble. This morning he tried to climb out of his crib and got his leg stuck through the top rung which was actually a saving grace because he would have fallen right out if it wasn't for that. He was very unhappy with his situation when I came in and found him.

He also really likes to share with the dogs. It is cute but not so cute at times. For instance when you are trying to get him to eat dinner or lunch and he keeps feeding the dogs his food. I think I am going to have to lock the dogs out while I feed him and let them in to clean up at the end. He also likes to share his stuffed animals with the dogs and his binky. He will hold them over the gate and let the dogs lick whatever it is he is holding and then he will put it directly into his mouth. Yuck! I try and ignore that. :)

I'm sure I am forgetting some major piece of news but I'll update more once I am not so brain dead.

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