Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Morgan Goes Shopping

We went to Target yesterday and Steve let him loose, so the first thing he does is grab the cart and take off. He is a strong little guy. When he saw stuff he wanted to check out he would stop, look at it, and then when he was ready he would grab the cart and take off again. He even picked out some shoes with monsters on them that he liked and put them by his feet all on his own. It was so cute, we would have bought them but they didn't have his size. We decided it was time to buy the baby leash as well since he loves walking so much. He now has this cute Monkey backpack that snaps around him with the monkey tail being the leash part. He walked all over costco with the leash and LOVED it. He had a giant smile plastered on his face the whole time he was walking around and got upset if we tried to put him in the cart. :)

We did buy a couple fall/winter items for him since we have learned if you don't do it when you first see the stuff it will be gone by the time you need it lesson. The best purchase ever is a black pea coat which looks exactly like Steve's. Can't wait to take pictures of them together in their matching coats. :)

In other Morgan related news he has decided he doesn't need his diaper anymore! He keeps taking it off and runs around naked. It's really cute but our carpet is so patterned we could never see if he peed on it. So, the diaper keeps going back on plus clothing. Hopefully he won't start taking off the clothes and the diaper. :)

Yesterday I also went to my Dr. and was prescribed some pretty heavy pain killers to keep me going until the delivery. My world view is looking up now. The pain has been so severe it's almost been completely debilitating. Now I should be able to function with minimal pain. My Dr. also suggested I go plant myself in a lake or swimming pool until September. ;) So, swimming is on the immediate schedule for us.

Also, our computer is fixed and I will be posting Birthday photos soon! I didn't take quite as many as I should have but I will blame that on being 9 months pregnant. :)

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Will has the same Monkey backpack/leash and he ADORES it! In fact he wears it often around the house,and will even carry the strap around as a tail! So cute! I am so thankful for that thing when I am out alone with him. He got away from me once and got into the street before I could stop him, it scared me into the leash. It will also be good training for him until he gets his dominatrix as an adult! LOL!