Thursday, July 30, 2009

Swine Flu and the Heat Wave

Last Thursday right before the heat started to really pick up I got sick. It came on pretty quickly and I had a fever. I went to the Dr. on Monday and was tested for Swine Flu which came back negative! Thank goodness. I was actually a little worried since all my symptoms were the same as the flu. It has now moved down into my lungs and I am taking antibiotics. Needless to say its been a tough week battling a fevery virus, the extreme heat, serious fatigue due to being 8 months pregnant and trying to take care of an 11 month old who can walk reallllly well.

Our house is broiling as I am sure most are. Yesterday we were forced down to the basement for relief. Our little A/C unit in the bedroom just isn't enough for this type of heat. The good news is that being down in the basement is very cool and great motivation to clean it up and organize:)

Poor Morgan has been couped up not able to run around like usual so he's been a bit grumpy and I have resorted to Elmo videos for mild comforting of the boredom. Thank goodness for ELMO! Seriously.

No new pics right now, just too hot and pregnant to put any extra effort into anything but the necessities. Morgan's first Birthday is about a week away and I decided to only invite family to his Birthday party. Hopefully it will have cooled down by then because I don't want to bake in this heat.:)

I'll post more later when it's not 90 degrees in the house.

Monday, July 20, 2009

4th of July

Yes, perhaps the 4th of July was a few weeks ago but better late than never right? Our 4th of July was really fun. One of the best ever. We started the day off at Fred and Matt's BBQ in Seattle. Matt's parents, grandparents, and brother + his family were there as well. It was really relaxing and fun to just hang out in their backyard in the shade and eat yummy food. Fred bought a kiddie pool so there was much splashing fun to be had for Morgan.

After the BBQ we went back to Marysville to light off fireworks with our friends Lance and Gypsy + their two girls. Our neighbors seem to count on us to light off fireworks every year and this year was no different except they invited a ton of their family and friends to watch as well. Luckily we live next to Boom city where the fireworks are cheap and plentiful:)They cheered us on all night it was a good time. Our other neighbor behind us even came out and joined in on the fun too letting off some giant mortars. We were worried about Morgan's reaction to the fireworks but fortunately he had so much fun at Aunt Fred's he literally slept through the ENTIRE thing. Sleeping through the 4th of July in Marysville is seriously impressive. It sounds like a war zone is in your front yard until around 2am. Plus the fireworks we let off were right outside his window. We think he inherited Steve's heavy sleeping.

Now for a few pics...All the ones I took in the second half of the day didn't come out. I will blame it on my pregnant brain. :P

Morgan loves ducks, mainly he likes to nom them. Below this pic is Matt's neice (who is three) and Morgan, she is so sweet handing him his Elmo ball.

Matt's Grandma and Nephew

Above is Matt's Grandma with her great grandson only 4 or 5 weeks old.

This is Matt's Grandpa who Morgan was quite enamored with! Morgan just melted into his arms the first time he held him, Morgan actually layed in his lap for quite a while which is rare. Alot of time was spent on his lap that day. He kept grabbing his nose and was so cute. I think Morgan is trying to ask "Mom can we keep him???" in this photo. It is sad Morgan will never have a Grandpa.
Mom can we keep him??

This was the end of the BBQ right before we left, Morgan was completely exhausted:)
Matt, Aunt Fred and Morgan

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Petting Zoo....or shall we call it Morgan's Zoo of Torture!

So, as you can see I'm trying to catch up with some posts I've been meaning to make. The same weekend we went on our picnic with Fred we made our way to the Forest Park Petting zoo which recently reopened. Morgan got to meet some goats and a bunny. He also saw chickens, ducks, mini-horses, and a horse (oh and some sheep). The cow and pig were sleeping in their barns so we didn't get to see them.

He was doing okay with petting but he would get so excited the pets would turn into hitting very quickly. Those goats are used to it I think so they were probably not traumatized by it too much.

Here we are in the parking lot. Steve is attempting to get Morgan's sandal on which is always a battle.
Steve and Morgan vs the Sandal

Here is where he first met a goat. I think he just thinks it's another dog but who knows...and yes he does have a hold of that poor goat's ear.

Goat Ear

He was petting nice but then this happened...
Smackin' a bunny

This picture is what makes me think the Goats are used to little kids by now....they see a baby and know exactly what to do...escape!
Poor Goat

I didn't bother editing these last three of the petting zoo. But here they are!

Morgan at the Farmer's Market
After the Petting Zoo we stopped at Everett's Farmers Market and bought some flowers...
The End.

Swim Class

I signed Morgan up for a swim class at Forest Park. We started last week and he seems to like it but it's right around his nap time so he is pretty tired when we get there hence the red eyes. I went in the first time and Steve took him in the second time. Basically we get in sing a bunch of silly songs make them get wet and then there is a 10 minute play time followed by more singing. I'm going to save us some money and just get a swim pass in the future since the class is pretty dull and not really a class but more of a guided sing-a-long in the water. Here are a bunch of shots from the Coolpix, so not high quality but entertaining nonetheless.

You will notice that at one point Morgan gets to play with a blue noodle, you will then notice the blue noodle is gone and Morgan is crying. He put up such a fuss when they had to put the noodle away the ladies on the side of the pool were laughing. It was very sad but cute. He loved that noodle.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Jennings Park

I think it was 2 or 3 weeks ago Steve, Morgan and I had a picnic with Steve's sister at Jennings Park. This park is only a mile from our house and it is amazing. Steve and I were a bit bummed that we hadn't been to it before. It has beautiful gardens kept up by the WSU Master Gardeners along with a Youth fishing pond and a couple really nice playgrounds. It used to have a petting zoo but funding ran out so it is closed now. Last weekend they played the Goonies outdoors in the park and had free popcorn.

Here are some shots from our picnic fun...

Jennings Park

Aunt Fred and Morgan

Aunt Fred, Steve and Morgan

Morgan at Jennings Park