Friday, January 29, 2010

Yes, we are still alive!

It seems like I haven't blogged in forever, which for me December does seem like forever ago. Between the ordeal with my back pain and a remodeling nightmare things have been more than hectic and stressful for us. Luckily I have had some great help from my family and friends to get me through the day with the kids until Steve gets home and our remodel is 3/4 of the way done now. My back is getting slowly better which has helped improve my outlook on life so maybe I can get back to blogging regularly again. I will spare you the yucky details of our stressful past couple months and leave it at that so we can just move forward.

Morgan and Lily are getting so big. Morgan is playing pretend games now like cooking, talking on the phone and using a computer, and he takes care of a doll like it's a baby. His words are starting to just pour out. He will also copy what we say which is a little scary since Steve and I have not cleaned up our language quite yet. His big words right now are Thank you, Bye, Hi, Hey ya, yeah, Baby, Lily, Doggie, and ok. He was even saying Alligator for a while, but I haven't heard it in a bit. He managed to rack up an epic cell phone bill for us too last month so he doesn't get to play with the cell phones ever again. It was pretty scary.

Lily is sooo big. She is only four months, but fits into the 6-9 month clothing. She is so alert and very very talky. She doesn't like to be left alone and wants to be where everyone else is at all times. Christmas turned into a 4 day party for her and she loved every minute of it. She is quite the social butterfly. She rolls over now and can sit up on her own. Part of me is so thankful to be past the newborn stage and the other part is mourning it. I feel like I didn't get to enjoy it enough due to her reflux and my back pain it's all a blur. However, she is absolutely adorable and it just gets more fun each day.

Morgan tries to pick Lily up occasionally and gives her hugs and kisses. He is so sweet with her it is priceless to watch. There is a bit of jealousy with who is getting attention at times, but nothing negative towards Lily, he just wants to be a part of it.  With that we are very lucky.

I am currently working on a picture post to catch you up on our lives, so check back soon! :D