Thursday, September 10, 2009

Teething, Preschool toddler class, and stuff...

Ahhh, Morgan is cutting two new teeth and not just any old teeth but actual MOLARS! OW! He has been extra grumpy and screaming at the top of his lungs randomly which alerted us something was up. Sure enough there are two molars cutting through the gums on the top. He doesn't want to sleep or be cuddled down to sleep like usual so Steve and I are also not sleeping.

Today we are going to Kirkland to visit the Inglemoor Cooperative Preschool and register Morgan. We got lucky and there were just three spots left. Steve and I both are going to take him next Wednesday and then Steve will be taking him by himself until after I heal from the surgery. The cool thing is they will let me bring Lily in a front carrier until she is 5-6 months so I won't have to worry about finding a sitter until then. I am really excited to see Morgan in a learning environment with other kids his age. We were going to the Hospital play group but the babies there were not as developed as he was so it wasn't much fun for him. This should be completely different. I will definitely be updating on how it goes.

Morgan also does a new baby trick. If I meow like a cat and ask him, "Where is your kitty?" he will go find his stuffed cat and bring it to me! It is so cute.

We are down to less than two weeks until Lily arrives and I feel completely unprepared. We still need to buy some baby items and I have that terrible nesting urge to make the entire house spotless which I am completely incapable of at this point.

That's all for now!

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