Saturday, September 26, 2009

The long road home

Yesterday Lily got a clean bill of health and was able to move upstairs with Melissa and I. What a relief to finally have her in the room with us. We got our reintroduction to the happy land of newborn with all its sleep deprived goodness. Melissa is recovering slowly and is still in alot of pain. When they gave her the spinal they hit a nerve, resulting in what she describes as 'the worst pain I've ever felt' shooting down her leg. Coming from Melissa that is not a statement to be taken lightly. Ever since she has had very painful pins and needles down that leg and even the slightest contact is agony. In a weird twist heavy pressure is actually less painful, it's light brushes against the leg that make things go crazy. They took an MRI on her back but didn't find anything. The Neurologist and the Anesthesiaologist both seem to think that this is a case of irritation that will pass on its own in a few days/weeks. We're hoping that's the case.

We're pretty much ready to go home now. I'm writing this as the three of us wait to get our final go ahead to walk out the door. I'm excited to be going home and for the opportunity to spend some time with my boy. Reports from the homefront indicate that Morgan has just about hit the end of his rope. Clingy, grumpy, generally unhappy, and getting more so by the minute. It's going to be hard coordinating our return, because from the second I walk in the door if one of us isn't taking care of Morgan there is going to be a serious baby meltdown.

One challenge down... countless more to follow.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Good Luck! I know it's going to be hard at home with two babies, but the alternative is even worse! I am thrilled Lily got to go home with you on time! Nothing is sadder than leaving your baby at the hospital... Try and treasure these early moments as much as you can, they go so quickly!