Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tabula Rasa

Morgan Kemp Wax, born happy and healthy at 5:59 PM 8/9/08. He's was born by C-Section, which wasn't our preferred method but the end result was the desired one. He's been checked and monitored for the past day now and everything is peachy keen. He's been breastfeeding and while that has proved to be a bit of a challenge he's getting enough food so that is good.

He's a very even tempered baby, and while he's not fond of being out of the swaddle or getting his temperature taken otherwise he's been calm and happy. We didn't get much sleep last night, but I'm hoping that we'll do a bit better tonight.

Here are some pictures. It's hard for Melissa to be willing to publish these, perfectionist that she is. Still, these are good enough to provide some idea of what the newest member of our family looks like!

8 pounds 10 oz

morgan 1

morgan 2

Morgan 3

Morgan 4



Tracie said...

So, when are we going to see more pictures??? Huh, huh, huh?? Nosy auntie I am, I know!

Waxing and Waning said...

give me a couple hours and there will be more I promise :) Trust me it's killing me to not have a million pics of him already.