Sunday, August 24, 2008

The price of gas

Gas has emerged as our major obstacle in keeping Morgan happy. I have no frame of reference on if he's more gassy than the average infant, but he is certainly gassy. We've tried all kinds of various methods to alleviate the discomfort with some success. It's hard to know what to do since the most effective method changes from day to day. Some of the more effective methods (such as rubbing his back) actually seem to piss him off now. I'm not sure when issues with gas are supposed to go away, but I can't wait for this particular phase to come to an end.

Fun with baby burping
burping Morgan
air bubble baby

One of the oddest things about this whole experience is how we've ended up living in this sort of limbo state where the differentiation between night and day is a rather arbitrary and unimportant distinction. We live in 3 - 4 hour increments and it's highly disorienting. It's amazingly hard to keep track of what day it is under these circumstances. I can't help but wonder what it's going to be like once outside scheduling comes back into the picture. Hopefully Morgan will be sleeping at longer increments by the time I head back to work.

In other news a slow trickle of people have been stopping by which is just about the right speed for us. The kindness of our friends and family, providing food and assistance has been wonderful.

A caveat on the pictures (including the ones above), they aren't what Melissa would like them to be for a laundry list of reasons. In this case the need to get more pictures of Morgan up online wins out over Melissa's need to only post the most perfect pictures.

All the boys
The boys of the house

Morgan Shows off his Bottle Face
the bottle face

Morgan and Grandma Col
Grandma and Morgan

Mom n' Baby
Mom and Morgan

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