Sunday, August 17, 2008

One Thousand Words

It's been just a bit more than 24 hours since we finally got back from the hospital. Morgan recieved a clean bill of health, the dehydration has passed and he has gained back some of the weight that he lost although he is still below his birth weight. That's normal, and we're hoping that he'll be back up where he belongs for his next checkup. We were going to have some visitors yesterday, but given how crazy the last week has been and that we just recently made it back home it just didn't feel right. We need some time to decompress, to adjust to caring for Morgan at home, and to really just learn to be a family. Once we've had a few more days to settle, then we can take visitors outside of immediate family.

I learned an interesting thing about infants while we were in the hosptial, specifically that sugar water has the exact same effect on their brains that morphine has on the brains of adults. I saw it in action while they were pulling spinal fluid and inserting the catheter, crazy stuff.

It’s damn good to be home again. Melissa especially is feeling much better since she never left the hospital room, not once the whole time that Morgan was there. I got short breaks, heading home to let out the dogs and to get food. She commented that it was like being in prison, and honestly I can’t disagree. Here are some pictures from Morgan’s latest hospital stay, we’ll post some more happy pics and some video soon! :)

Morgan and I in Pediatrics wing
Morgan in Pediatrics wing
Steve and Morgan in pediatrics wing
Morgan 6 days old with IV in hand
Morgan 6 days old with IV in hand

1 comment:

Tracie said...

I'm glad your all home and healthy now. I know what you mean about the "learning to be a family" thing. It took us a while to just get used to having Jaiden in the house with us.