Monday, August 18, 2008

If A than B, if B then C, not A therefore not C

We're starting to settle in now, although last night we both had a bit of a breakdown in our confidence. So far my biggest frustration in being a parent is that there are reems of information available. Hundreds of websites, books, doctors, nurses, other parents, all providing contradictory information. In the middle of that malestrom of data there is a tiny little person, who has his own ideas about how this all needs to work out. He hasn't shown any interest thus far in sticking to the books, but then again he is our son so I guess that is to be expected.

Before we left the hospital last week we talked to more doctors and nurses than I can count and we still ended up in the hosptial 24 hours later. We thought we had a handle on this, and that with the help of our doctors and some books we could muddle our way through. Still on even the most simple of questions, for example 'How much should we be feeding him', we've recieved no fewer than 4 different answers. We're paying attention to what Morgan is telling us now more than anything, but next time we talk to our pediatriction I'm going to make it clear that we are quite frustrated by the inability of our various healthcare providers to provide consistent answers on even the most basic questions.

In less frustrated news things are going smoother today, and we seem to be finding a decent rythm to life at home. So long as Morgan has gained weight when we see the lactation nurse again on Wednesday I'll be feeling pretty good about things. Morgan's umbilical stump fell off yesterday, so he's sporting a belly button for the first time. He remains cute as a button and I've given him his first nickname, 'Noodle' which is short for 'Noodle Neck'. The break in the heat has been a god send, Morgan has actually had the chance to see the rest of the house!

Back to work... lots of Math to do before the end of the quarter.

1 comment:

Tracie said...

The best and only advice that you should listen to is the needs of your child. Morgan will tell you when he is hungry, wet, uncomfortable, etc... If you can't read the signs yet, just try them all...pretty soon you'll learn the signs for each. Jaiden was the same. Try to anticipate the when he will be hungry, if it's been two hours since you fed him, try it. Then burp him, then check his diaper. If you learn to anticipate those things then you and Morgan will be happier. In addition, give him different types of stimulation during the day. In the morning, rock him in the swing. Then, carry him in one of those baby wraps. Then, later swaddle him. That is the only way you will learn what he likes, what he doesn't like, what soothes him, etc....OH and the magic thing for Jaiden for gas was the football hold. Put his head next to your elbow with his body supported on your forearm. Use your hand to steady him by grabbing between his legs. Use your other arm to pat and rub on his back. Jaiden liked to be bounced lightly as I rocked back and forth. Sometimes it took a few minutes of this to calm him down, so don't give up right away.