Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Puppies of Doom Beach Vacation 2007

In preparation for the baby Steve started transferring all our videos from tape to the computer with a new fancy gadget he bought today. We now will have something interesting to video tape other than the dogs.

So, last year we went to the ocean for a week in between Spring and Summer Quarter and we stayed in our favorite cabin on Roosevelt Beach and this is some footage of the puppy antics while we were there....The first clip is of Necrobutcher who waded out in ankle deep water to a tire but once he got up on the tire he forgot how he got there and decided he was stuck. We only got the last 30 seconds of his predicament on tape but he had been on that tire crying for at least 5-10 minutes before making the jump. I think the second clip is self explanatory :)

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