Friday, May 1, 2009

CLAM DIG 2009, Easter, and It's a GIRL!!!

Yesterday, I had my ultrasound and to our surprise we found out we are having a girl!!!!! I couldn't be more happy. I was convinced I was having a boy mainly because I didn't want to get my hopes up and then be severely disappointed. The baby didn't want to show herself yesterday so they were unable to get a profile shot or a good look at her heart so I get to have another ultrasound in two weeks. We almost didn't find out the sex because she had her legs crossed and was sitting on them but the Tech let me get up and move around to see if she would change positions and it worked! (I will admit I went into the bathroom and did jumping jacks, I just couldn't stand the thought of having to wait two more weeks to find out)

It's been a month since I posted and many things have been happening around here. I never did my Easter picture post which was due to lack of energy however I will post some shots still since Steve and I went all over looking for the perfect outfit (which we finally found). A couple nights before Easter our friends Myk and Haley came over to dye Easter Eggs which was fun for all including Morgan who watched from his highchair. We had a good quiet Easter with my mom at our house and had a yummy meal which included my Grandma's potato salad since we had so many damn hard boiled eggs. ;) I would say the most interesting thing about Easter was Morgan's discovery of how to make a motorboat sound with his lips. He did it pretty much all day:) He also likes to vary the sound of the motorboat so sometimes they are happy and high pitch and other times they are mad angry motorboats. The first few pics of the Easter slideshow is the face he makes when motorboating.

Last Weekend we went out to Copalis and stayed at the Sandpiper for our 11th anniversary together as well as for a 3 day Razor Clam Dig :) Steve's Mom, Aunt Terry and his Uncle Per as well as a couple friends of Steve's Mom were there too. Steve dug both our limits each day since I was just not up to it. Morgan and I helped spot clams and gave moral support though. The strangest thing happened right when we arrived Morgan started crawling on his hands and knees. I think the 3+ hour car ride there gave him time to think about it:) Morgan did so well on the beach for the AM clam digs! The first day was very windy and he didn't like it at first but soon figured out how to turn his head away from the wind and was fine. The next two days were gorgeous and there was no wind. The weather was just beautiful and we had a great time!

I'm trying something new this time. Instead of editing every photo and inserting them individually onto the blog I'm just uploading them to Shutterfly as is and then inserting a slide show on here for your viewing pleasure, thus saving an infinite amount of time. :) This way you will get to see more pictures and I will save some sanity of trying to perfect every shot.

Below is the Clam Dig slide show and I will add the Easter Slide show below that as well!

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