Sunday, May 24, 2009

A New Sensibility

Before I was pregnant with Morgan I was extremely desensitized to the news, really very little could shock me and almost nothing could make me turn my head. After becoming pregnant I noticed anytime a news story regarding children came up I could not stand watching, hearing, or reading about it. It has become even worse the older Morgan gets I literally feel nauseous anytime I hear or read a headline about a child murder or abuse or really anything negative regarding children in any way. I just find it interesting how much having a child changed me. I have so many worries now I could never have imagined before having a child.

Last night as I was making dinner literally out of nowhere I had this horrible image flash through my head of an earthquake happening during the night while Morgan would be sleeping in his crib and realized that there is a heavy wrought iron Candelabra loosely hanging by a single nail in the wall right above his bed. I immediately made Steve take it down.

Things like this scare me. Why had I not thought of this before?! What else am I not thinking of or prepared for?! Add about 50 more of these questions/worries circling endlessly through my head and you have about a normal day in my brain.

Anyway, just thought I would share a bit of my new neurosis with you:)


Missy said...

This is SOOO True!!!! And I am just the same!!

Waxing and Waning said...

I am wondering if this will simmer down once he is older?! Perhaps that is just wishful thinking;)