Monday, September 22, 2008

Weekend Update

This past weekend we went to Port Townsend with my mom and stayed at The Palace Hotel in Captain Tibbals room which was so nice. Morgan rode the ferry for his first time of course he was completely oblivious to this event but I took pictures to document it anyway.
Steve attended the Sea Kayak Symposium at Fort Worden on Saturday where he took some kayaking classes and got to try out different kayaks. My mom, Morgan, and I went to the PT Farmers Market and then shopped around the main street in downtown.
Saturday night Char and Steve came out and we went to dinner which was a lot of fun. Morgan was the perfect little angel the entire time. I was so stressed he would freak out from being in a new place but he was so good especially at the hotel.

Since it was rainy I didn't take too many pictures but here are a few...

Morgan's first road trip

Mom and Morgan in PT

Dad and Morgan on Ferry

1 comment:

Tracie said...

OH, I am so jealous! He is such a cutie and I still haven't got to see him!!!!!!! I can't wait till you guys come over to see us.