Sunday, September 7, 2008

mini Milestones

Yesterday was Morgan's 4 week birthday. Not sure if that counts as a month or if the month birthday would be on September 9th. I was planning a big photo shoot for Morgan yesterday but instead I laid in bed all day exhausted with no motivation to do anything. I guess that is somewhat expected. Tomorrow I will take new pictures and commemorate them as his 4 week and 2 day birthday photos.

In his short 4 weeks he has accomplished some things:

1. His head outgrew one of his hats! (He totally has Steve's giant head)

2. His little bottom and tummy has outgrown his newborn swaddler diapers and we are now up to the next size.

3. His gassiness has decreased significantly to almost I would say nonexistent. (Steve may disagree though.)

4. During his tummy time he can do baby pushups off the boppy pillow and hold his head up high off the pillow and turn it.

5. He focuses intently on anything hanging above his head like the fishies on his swing or the hanging frog and turtle off his car seat. He also focuses on our faces and has surprised us with some smiles that are probably accidental but still cute.

6. And the saddest thing is he now has tears when he cries.

Since I didn't really take any new photos I will post some from the last set I took. This is a shot of Necrobutcher and Morgan looking not too happy with their situation.

Necrobutcher and Morgan

And here is a cute shot of the "behind the scenes" prep work...

Morgan behind the scenes

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