Thursday, September 4, 2008


Today Morgan met his Great Uncle Kevin or in the spirit of my cousin Max we will call him Great Uncle Kez. Kevin was lucky and arrived during one of Morgan's few awake times and I managed to get a couple cute photos...

Great Uncle Kez

Great Uncle Kez and Morgan

1 comment:

Tracie said...

It's so cool that Kevin came to see Morgan. Regarding your last post, you guys are doing great with Morgan as far as stimulating him. At his age, you don't want to do too much. Mainly just holding, rocking, anything visual is good. Black and white pictures with lots of contrast are best because babies eyesight is not fully developed including colors. In a couple months, you will want to work on reaching for items, grasping items, etc... As for tummy time right now, it's kinda early. Mainly because he will not have any control over his neck muscles until a little later. Maybe at two to three months. I found with Jaiden that laying him on my chest while I am laying down was the best way to do tummy time. When he had more control over his head, it gave him motivation to look up so that he could see me.