Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Communication Breakdown

Probably the most frustrating part of dealing with Morgan right now is his complete inability to communicate what is bothering him in even the most general terms. He has exactly one word in his vocabulary, and that word is 'Waah'.

"I'm cold" = Waah

"I'm Hungry" = Waah

"John McCains decision to choose Sarah Palin as his running mate is a disaster that fails on all levels by alienating progressive women voters, nullifying the experience arguement against Obama, and calling into question his judgement and commitment to stated patriotic values." = Waah

There are some variations in the crying, for example sometimes I can tell the difference between his hungry cry and the crying he does because he is uncomfortable with gas pain but it isn't all that distinctive. To complicate matters, those distinctions only exist when he is at the very start of his crying. Once he gets himself worked up then the distinctions go away and it falls into a very generic upset crying.

So far as the crying is concerned, we've had a few fussy days but other than that it hasn't been so bad. After a few instances of him being fussy for long periods I thought he may have colic, I then looked up the definition of colic (3 hours a day, 3 days a week, 3 weeks a month of full out screaming crying) and realized how lucky we are. While I lack any frame of reference I'm guessing that Morgan is somewhere in the middle of the curve as far as crying is concerned. Still, it feels like it's alot when attempting to calm a screaming baby on 2 hours of sleep. I'm getting myself a pair of earplugs. That sounds bad, but it's not so that I won't hear him start to cry it's so that when I've got him up on my shoulder trying to calm him down I don't need to get the full shriek right in my ear.

In other news, Morgan has earned a last minute reprieve and will no longer face the knife. Less than an hour before the appointment to get him circumcisied we realized that we aren't Jews, Christians, or people who have a religious or traditional reason to get our son cut. Hence we will leave that decision for Morgan to make when he is older. If Morgan had any clue what he just avoided, he would probably breathe a sigh of relief. As it sits, he'll just cuddle up with a bottle and have a warm cozy afternoon.

Melissa took some photos this morning thinking they would be the last ones before he had the circumcision so here they are...

He is a very serious little guy

Morgan Naked

Morgan full frontal

Morgan smiling

1 comment:

Tracie said...

I'm sorry to be the bringer of bad news. The frustration with the lack of communication will last for another year or so. When he is old enough teach him sign language. That helped us a lot!