Monday, November 15, 2010

The week in review...

Lets start with last weekend. Saturday, Steve's Mom came and babysat for us so I could take pictures for my friend's band. I was quickly reminded how I hate bars and do not miss that scene at all. Earlier in the day Steve and I actually got around to carving pumpkins with the kids. Better late than never I guess. Morgan was so funny about it. He was really grossed out about sticking his hands in the guts and kept putting the pumpkin top back on and saying, "All done!" We forced Lily's hand into the pumpkin and she did not like that at all. I got some really good pictures of the whole fiasco I will post.

Sunday we had a hard day with the kids. They have been really grumpy lately. Not sure if they are fighting off a sickness or what, but it was a nightmare. I seriously have not felt so at my wits end before. We drove to Seattle and the entire time Morgan was screaming crying. On the way back Morgan screamed and cried. I was ready to scream and cry.  Fred and Matt's reception was very nice. They had Kafe Neo cater and it was delicious! We hung out a lot with Fred's little Sister Cheyenne who is so funny. She is like the girl version of Steve when he was a teen, minus the drugs. I think it's funny Fred would get paired with the girl version of her little brother as a teen. hahaha

After we got home Sunday we ate dinner and then our friends Toria and Aaron came over with Starbucks and Apple pie! Mmmm! We had a good conversation and loved having them over.

Monday I was wasted from the weekend and layed around all day doing nothing. NOTHING. By nightfall I felt so guilty. I just have no energy at all. I didn't even go to water aerobics which is bad, but in my defense my swimsuit was soaking wet and freezing. I am telling you all this in the lead up to Tuesday morning where all my laziness came to a stop and I dressed the kids up and packed them up over to the library for story time. This was a huge thing for me. I have a really easy time making excuses for what I can and can't do due to my back and chronic pain. I think just doing it regardless of the pain was good. The main thing I learned from it was that if I do take the kids out I really only have enough stamina to do one thing before my back lets me know it will not be agreeable anymore. So, I am in need of a schedule. I decided Tuesdays will be our Library day. We even checked books out so we will take ours back next week and get more while we are there. The kids were so good too, I put Morgan on the monkey leash and Lily in the umbrella stroller and we went around looking at books and Morgan even got to play on a kid computer. He jumped right into the chair and grabbed the mouse like he knew what he was doing. It was so weird. Can't wait to go back.

I am looking into other actvities to get involved with too. I found one called Kindermusic through the parks department and it looks really cool. It costs a bit of money though, but I know the kids would love it. I am thinking of joining a playgroup again as well.

Phew! That was a crazy stream of consciousness for you. Sorry.

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