Monday, November 1, 2010


Yesterday was not only Halloween, but also our 10 year wedding anniversary. It was not exactly the day I had envisioned for us, but that's life.  

Saturday we stayed up until past 4 am at RHPS so Sunday was a lazy day. We dressed the kids up in the evening in their Gnome costumes and headed over to our friends Beth and Jim's home in Sammamish. We had a lovely time there and took the kids trick-or-treating around their neighborhood. We never got a chance to practice with Morgan on how to say Trick-or-treat, but on about the 2nd or 3rd house he started saying it! It was so adorable! He got into the whole swing of things rather quickly actually. After he got his candy he would say, "BYE!, Thank YOU!, See Ya Soon!" People were oohing and ahhing on how cute he was. Steve carried Lily the whole way and she just watched the entire fiasco from the comfort of Steve's tired arm. When we got back to Beth and Jim's house Morgan went up to trick-or-treat from Jim and when Jim kneeled down to let Morgan pick out some candy Morgan took all his candy he worked so hard on getting and dumped it into Jim's candy bowl! It was sooooo funny! I have no idea what he was thinking. It was a good thing though since we were going to take it away anyway.

Of course in my graceful fashion around the 2nd house I was busy taking a picture and didn't notice there was this giant low black rock in front of me so I went to step forward and flew over it crashing on the ground with my camera. The lens on the edge is scraped up, but more importantly I fell on my side really hard. I was pretty shaken up, but walked it off. I scraped up my finger and it bled a little and I skinned and bruised my knee pretty bad. Also, my left wrist feels sprained and is swollen. When I got home that was apparently enough time for my back to freeze up and start throbbing with shooting pains. I was up until 2am in dire nauseating hell. I was a bit hysterical actually. I even slept on the couch which is worse for me, but I couldn't lay down for longer than a few minutes without having to get up and walk around and I didn't want to disturb Steve and Lily. My left side is not happy. I am hoping this will just work it self out and I can pretend like it didn't happen by tomorrow. I have been pretty emotional going in and out of tears randomly ever since. Needless to say it's going to be a long long day/week probably.

I am feeling like I am at the end of my rope at this point for sure.

Anyway, back to Halloween Fun! Since the fall messed me up emotionally and physically I only got a few photos. Here they are....

Lily with her hat on sideways. 

Morgan found a baby doll stroller and was in heaven as Jim rolled him around. =)

Steve, Lily, and Morgan at Beth's getting ready to go trick-or-treating.

Beth and Morgan greeting some Trick-or-treaters

Jim with the candy carriers for our kids. We were lame and forgot to get candy baskets so Beth and Jim hooked us up.

 On our way!

The first victim...


More candy...

And more...

Full sized candy bars! Score!

This skeleton was singing and dancing. He was very fascinated by it. =)

By this point he was totally digging it and in charge! He even got upset when we skipped a few houses. This house gave him a bag of chips which was not on the approved Morgan list. He actually took them out of his bucket and didn't want them.

My little Gnome. He wouldn't wear the beard, oh well.

This is when we got back to Beth and Jim's place right before Morgan gave all his candy over to Jim.

Morgan and Lily were obsessed with the staircase.

Thank Goodness for Beth who kept bringing them back down. My back was not happy at that point. b

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