Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Baby Stats!

On my birthday, February 6th, both kids had a check-up. Lily had her 4 month check-up and Morgan had his 18 month check-up. I have been meaning to post their Baby stats from every doctor visit, but always seem to never get around to it. Today is the day though, here you go...

Weight: 14 lb 10.5 oz (62.42% of growth percentile based on weight-for-age)

Height: 25" (66.81% of growth percentile based on length-for-age)

Head Circumference: 17.1" (91.59% of growth percentile based on head circumference-for-age)

Weight: 24 lb 9.6 oz (99.6% of growth percentile based on weight-for-age)

Height: 31.5" (28.44% of growth percentile based on length-for-age)

Head Circumference: 20.24" (99.66% of growth percentile based on head circumference-for-age)

I am wondering if Morgan is going to get his height from my short and stout German side of the family. Lily seems really long, she fits in 6 and 9 month clothing so I am hoping she gets Steve's genetics for height.

Both are very healthy! Our pediatrician said Lily is at the 8 month developmental skill set and Morgan is well over the 2 year old developmental skill set. So things are good. The doctor does not want them to have any screen time at all, but it's hard. We try and restrict it to just Sesame Street in the morning, but somedays it's more than that.

Morgan is starting to say sentences. It is strange, but cute. Miss Lily is grabbing stuff and holding things. She smiles all the time and just laughed for the first time this past Saturday, the 13th, when Steve was pretending to NOM(For those of you who don't speak LOLcat that means munch or eat) her face. :)

One other thing worth mentioning is Morgan has started going into the bathroom, lifting the toilet seat up and will pull his pants down. He then pretends to pull down his diaper and then when he sees fit he pull his pants back up and closes the lid! We are going to budget in a potty seat as soon as we can because he is obviously ready to get started in the potty training process.

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