Saturday, August 22, 2009

Baby genius or random luck strikes again! ;)

I mentioned in the previous post we received a bunch of hand me down toys from a friend of ours and part of that included a whole musical set and in that musical set is a recorder. Yesterday morning Morgan was playing in the living room by himself and I was laying in bed while Steve ran to the store real quick. As I was laying in bed I hear the sounds of the recorder playing long notes. For a second I thought maybe Steve hadn't left yet for the store and so I got up and went out to the living room and there was Morgan walking around with the recorder in his mouth blowing into it making long notes. The funny thing is neither Steve or I had shown him how to do this before. I ran and got the video recorder and recorded some footage of him playing it. Once our computer is fixed I will post it. :) I am of course the biased proud Mom but I couldn't believe he figured that out! He just seems too little and still my baby to be doing stuff like this.

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