Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sea Kayaking

So, to get more active Steve and I decided Kayaking would be a good idea. I will admit more so Steve because I get scared of being in deep water. I guess it's the fear of the In theory it sounds fun I guess I will find out soon enough. We went in September to PT so Steve could go to the Kayaking symposium and while we were there Steve broke down and bought a Kayak kit after trying out several kayaks. Basically it is all the parts in their raw form with a giant manual. Steve has been making some really good progress and it is actually looking like a kayak now. :)
Here is the Before...

My Kayak Before...

Here are a few photos of his progress...
Steve's kayak in progress (bow)

Steve's kayak in progress (stern)

Steve scraping off epoxy
Steve scraping epoxy

Steve scraping his kayak

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