Monday, May 24, 2010

Jennings Park

This weekend was all about Jennings Park. Saturday we spent the day there for our friends son Cole's 3rd Birthday. Morgan had a great time running around with all the kids and Lily was passed from person to person the entire time. She was in heaven with all the cuddling and attention. I also found out that Cole's Mom, Erin, is 6 weeks pregnant. I went to highschool with her and she lives just a couple miles from me. I also have another highschool friend who is pregnant with a girl and lives a couple miles away too. Things are looking up in the social department for Me, Lily, and Morgan. =)  I think the funniest part of Saturday was the birthday cake. Steve tried to get Morgan to try it and he didn't want anything to do with it. He even forced a tiny taste thinking maybe if he got a taste of it he would have some, but no that just seemed to gross him out. We couldn't even force feed him cake. This is a good thing right?! (I am proud of my little vegetarian. He will eat green beans like no one else, but no cake.)

Sunday we hung out with our old friends Myk and Haley. We spent the entire afternoon there wandering around the entire park. It was a work out that is for sure. Jennings has big hills and when you have two babies and a double stroller things get interesting. It was a lot of fun and our friends are so good with kids. Both Lily and Morgan love them.

Lily and Haley

Haley and Lily

Morgan the Bubble Slayer

Morgan the Bubble Slayer

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