Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy 6 month Birthday!!! ( I know, we are all surprised!)

(...including Miss Lily)

Somehow Lily managed to sneak her 6 month birthday on us today. I can't believe it. In fact I can't believe it so much that a tiny crazy hormonal part of me wants another baby. Of course this is never going to happen, so don't worry. This age seems to be the turning point for a lot of developmental changes. She is a squirmy wormy baby. She wants to get into everything her brother is in. She used to hate being put on her tummy and now that is the only place she wants to be. I am somewhat convinced she might skip crawling and start walking first. She is ready to go! She has been severely cranky this week because she is teething. She also has been getting really fussy when she is not where she wants to be or isn't seeing what she wants to see or when she isn't playing with what she wants or...well, anything that is not on her agenda she will let you know by screaming bloody murder and then once she gets it everything is fine. Like nothing happened. Sometimes it scares me because she sounds like something is hurting her or there is something seriously wrong. Morgan never screamed the way she does. She screams so hard she turns purple, I kid you not! I have a feeling we are in for some fun with her. :)

Today also means we are embarking once again on the soft food adventure. In preparation last week I started Morgan out on his booster seat at the table (which he loves) and deep cleaned the highchair so it is all ready for Lily. Today I got out the food processor and made some peas and tonight we are going to give it a whirl with her and see what she thinks. We will post a video later.

I have to also include a couple cute sibling stories too...

This morning when we were all cuddling in bed Morgan grabbed Lily's hand and made it wave and he kept saying "Bye! Bye!". Not sure if he was hinting at she needs to leave or the fact Steve was getting ready to go to work. He also held her hands and made them clap. So cute!

During one of Lily's major freakouts I left her in the living room for a few minutes so that I could get a second to rest and Morgan followed me in the bedroom and shut the door. You could tell he was agitated from all the crying too. Poor guy.

This afternoon, I put Lily in her crib upstairs and Morgan pushed one of our stools up to the crib and he grabbed a puppet and did a puppet show for her along side of the crib rail. It was freaking adorable. Wow. I wish I had the video camera to catch it. Oh well, I am sure there will be lots more to come.

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