Thursday, July 2, 2009

Petting Zoo....or shall we call it Morgan's Zoo of Torture!

So, as you can see I'm trying to catch up with some posts I've been meaning to make. The same weekend we went on our picnic with Fred we made our way to the Forest Park Petting zoo which recently reopened. Morgan got to meet some goats and a bunny. He also saw chickens, ducks, mini-horses, and a horse (oh and some sheep). The cow and pig were sleeping in their barns so we didn't get to see them.

He was doing okay with petting but he would get so excited the pets would turn into hitting very quickly. Those goats are used to it I think so they were probably not traumatized by it too much.

Here we are in the parking lot. Steve is attempting to get Morgan's sandal on which is always a battle.
Steve and Morgan vs the Sandal

Here is where he first met a goat. I think he just thinks it's another dog but who knows...and yes he does have a hold of that poor goat's ear.

Goat Ear

He was petting nice but then this happened...
Smackin' a bunny

This picture is what makes me think the Goats are used to little kids by now....they see a baby and know exactly what to do...escape!
Poor Goat

I didn't bother editing these last three of the petting zoo. But here they are!

Morgan at the Farmer's Market
After the Petting Zoo we stopped at Everett's Farmers Market and bought some flowers...
The End.

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