Monday, March 23, 2009

Weekend Adventures...

This past weekend we went to Deception Pass and drove back through La Conner.
While in La Conner we were lucky enough to see the infamous pack of wild Turkeys that roam the streets there. Unfortunately, it was too dark by then to get any good pics of them. I would love to live somewhere that has wild turkeys just wandering around. Deception Pass was amazing. It was incredibly windy and when we drove down to the beach it was almost surreal. The water was an incredible greenish blue and filled with giant wild rolling waves. It just seemed like you would have to be far out in the ocean to see this scene. It didn't seem real that it would do that right at the beach 20 feet from you. None of the pictures I took did it justice, it was just too windy to get any good shots because of all the salt water in the air which is sure death for cameras.

We also went to Mulkiteo Beach the following day with the intent on heading over to Whidbey Island but changed our minds and played at the beach instead. Morgan got to swing in a toddler swing for the first time, it was very funny. I was convinced he was going to fall out but he held on tight the whole time. Even though he was so tired he loved it. We also showed him the beach and the water which he was completely fascinated by.

He has been doing lots of tummy time lately due to his extreme squirminess and he is so close to crawling. He gets himself up off the ground but when he tries to go his butt falls on the ground and he flops around like a fish out of water. He does manage to scoot around very well and yesterday he pulled himself to a standing position to play at his music table all by himself! It was short lived though because once he did it I yelled for Steve really loud which apparently scared the crap out of him and he put his hands in the air really fast and fell over. Much crying ensued. :(

One more quick bit of news, he now has both of his bottom front teeth coming in making him even more adorable. :)

Here he is at Mulkiteo Beach on his first swing ride with Dad!

First swing

He was so excited about swinging he was kicking his legs like crazy...

Morgan's first time on a swing...

Lots more pics to come check back later....I'm having technical difficulties;)

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