Monday, October 25, 2010

Friday Night...

Last Friday night Steve and I were lucky enough to get his Mom to babysit for us so that we could take our good friend Aaron out to Belt Sushi for his first time. Aaron is an amazing artist and I love spending time with him. You can just feel the creativity rolling off of him. Belt Sushi was much fun and afterward we decided to grab our cameras and head out on a midnight urban photo adventure. Aaron shoots with film on a very old Pentax camera and a very very old Nikon camera. It's pretty incredible to watch him shoot. I am fully in the land of digital so it's a novelty to see someone work with a film camera and even crazier is to see that he doesn't get instant gratification like you do with digital. He has to wait and hope his exposures were right. Anyway it was a great night filled with lots of great insightful conversation and belly aching laughs. I loved just going out and being creative. Being able to just shoot for myself is something I need more of desperately. I can't wait to go on another photo adventure.

Here are a few shots from that night...
(remember you can view these larger by clicking on them)

Aaron shooting.

This one above is my favorite. Steve forgot my tripod and so I had to be creative to make sure I got decent shots. Here I actually set my camera on the ground.

...interesting lines along the waterfront in Everett...
(again, a tripod would have made all the difference in this shot)

My favorite alley in Everett

On a totally different note, Steve is such a dork. He told Aaron and I this joke at sushi and had us dying laughing so I have to share it with you now. Y'know Uwagimaya, the Asian grocery store in Seattle and Redmond? Well, I always have a hard time remembering the name of it so Steve says, "it's Fred's Brother."  I was confused for a moment because Steve's sister's name is Fred. Anyway, he says, "Uwagimaya is Fred's brother," and then suddenly it hit me. So, what I want you to do right now is say out loud "Uwagimaya" pronounced "Waj-ah-maya" it sounds like "Roger Meyer"(almost except the R sounds like a W). Fred Meyer's brother. Now hopefully you know how to say Uwagimaya and you should be laughing very hard hearing yourself say Uwagimaya from this point on.

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