Wednesday, July 21, 2010

ramble ramble ramble

Today marks Morgan's 6th day with no pacifier. The first night was rough, but after that it has not been bad at all. We bought him a lovey (a little frog with a mini-blanket coming out of it) that is special for bedtime and at first he threw it on the ground, but each night I cuddle with it and treat it special so he has started to do the same. Our new bedtime routine is diaper, teethbrushing, pj's, reading, then sleep. On a sidenote, I swear if we let him he would brush his teeth 10 times a day! He is obsessed.

This week is going quite well. Today is Steve's work from home day so I get the luxury of sleeping in on Wednesday mornings. Today Morgan would not take his morning nap so we just let him run and play. At lunch he was doing pretty good and when he said all done I looked over and his head was bobbing back and forth and in a circle with his eyes closed. He said all done again with his eyes closed! It was so sweet. I took one for the team and went upstairs and cuddled him on the aerobed and took a nap with him. It is such a luxury and a blessing that I am able to stay home with them that these little moments like naptime with Mom are so precious to me. He wound his arms through the straps on my dress and held tight and went to sleep (and so did I).

Earlier in the day he ate a green crayon. It was a non-toxic washable crayon so it basically disintegrated into this green slime oozing out of Morgan's mouth. When Steve found him he screamed! Steve was yelling for help and I came in to find Steve's hands cupped under Morgan's mouth with a handful of green ooze. =) It was hysterical. We took him into the bathtub and sprayed him off and brushed his teeth until it was all gone. It was a very strange experience. I would never have guessed a crayon would do that.

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