Sunday, October 4, 2009

Saturday evening at Kayak Point...

This evening we packed up the kids (I can't believe I can use the term "kids"--that's going to take a while to get used to) and headed out to Kayak Point so Morgan could run around and play. Also, so I could take some photos. I went for a long stretch without doing any photography and I need to catch up. It feels good to be shooting again. Anyway, we got a lot of great shots and it's going to take a bit to edit them all, but I really loved one in particular so I played around with it and wanted to share. Typically, this photo would have been in the trash can, but the mood the light gives the picture attracted me to it.

A little background on the shot...we took Morgan out on to the dock and as soon as we were over the water he looked down and saw the surf between the wood planks and he sat down and wouldn't walk. He acted very worried about the whole ordeal and it took a lot of coaxing to get him to finally walk down the dock. Steve had to hold his hand almost the whole time to get him to move. He kept looking down and almost acted a bit scared. It made me remember how I used to be scared to death of docks when I was a kid too. ;)



and I just finished this one which also gives off this old snapshot feel to it.


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