Monday, August 17, 2009

5 Weeks...

The countdown is on, I have less than 5 weeks left until my c-section. It is surreal how fast this pregnancy has gone. In no time our little family will be complete. I am extremely excited yet at the same time completely scared. :)

My laptop and our home computer broke so I am no longer able to download photos. I was going to put up birthday photos and whatnot but it's going to have to wait. I have been using Steve's work laptop to just surf the Internet and check email. It is not fun especially since almost both my memory cards are full on my camera which means no more pictures! AGH!

In good news, Morgan just keeps getting more adorable. He now says "Dada" and "Daddy" in direct reference to Steve. He also says "Doggie" and sometimes "Oggie" in reference to the Dogs! It is so cute. He says "Mama" but I don't know if he knows that is me. He says it when he wants something though. Who knows. He recognizes words as well such as "Baba" or "Bottle".

He is also showing signs of separation anxiety with Steve. Steve stayed home all last week to take care of me and Morgan since my back went out after his birthday party. Every time Steve leaves or puts him down he makes a big fuss and cries. It's very sad. He is also testing us more with what we will let him get away with in regards to items he's not supposed to touch and things we don't let him do like pull hair, bite, and hit. He has thrown a couple big tantrums but we just ignore them and within a minute or two he's back to normal.

His Birthday party was a success, I had a day of fear and panic before it thinking nobody was coming but luckily it worked out and we had a reallly good turnout! I am so thankful for everyone that came and celebrated with us! Steve and I had a really good time and I hope that was the same for everyone that came. Morgan scored a bunch of new clothes and toys which we desperately needed. I can't wait to post the photos.

Steve and I have been reaching out more and reconnecting with some oooold friends and even some new ones. I have made a nice little mommy network on Facebook for myself and it's proven to be very handy. One of my old girlfriends from high school just gave us a ton of toys for Morgan. She literally filled Steve's car full. It was awesome. We also hung out with another old friend this past weekend and her 3 year old son which was such a good time. Morgan hit it off with her son and it was serious cute overload for a few hours watching them play together. Morgan was screaming and laughing like I have never heard him before! At the end our friends son gave Morgan a hug and a kiss goodbye. I thought I was going to die how sweet it was. I actually got it on my camera but can't download it to share! Darn it. ;)We have plans with them again next weekend if my back gets better we are all going to go have a picnic on Jetty Island. On a side note, the next morning our friends son kept asking if they were going to see Morgan again that day and insisted that they do it everyday. :) So cute.

It is very interesting to watch Morgan with other kids. His little personality is starting to show itself more and more. He is a very sweet little guy. He likes to give hugs. He kept going up to our friends son and hugging him. He also hung out with some of our other friends little girls and he was fascinated by them too and kept trying to give kisses which means he comes at them with his mouth wide open. :)
Another interesting thing is he shares his toys! He kept giving our friend's son toys as if to say here you go you can play with this.

I am pretty exhausted and HUGE right now. I mentioned my back went out after Morgan's party and I mean really went out. I couldn't even walk. Steve had to help me to the bathroom. Luckily my Dr. prescribed some pain pills and I didn't have to go in. My back is slowly getting better but it feels like at any moment it will go out again which is unnerving. To make it even better Steve tweaked his back this past weekend working upstairs so we are quite the couple right now.;)

As soon as I can I will post pictures. For now, you will just have to take my word for how cute Morgan is and all his latest antics. :)


Missy said...

Just an FYI...I keep all my pix on my memory cards and then label them...that way I don't HAVE to print everything...and those "odd" photos that are neat but not really print worthy get to keep their spot. Memory cards are SO cheap now and it's a great way to store more discs!! Just keep them all together, that way in case of emergency you can grab them and have hard copy of your photos.

Hope you feel better soon!

Waxing and Waning said...

Thanks! I am sloooowly getting better. I actually really love that idea of just buying the memory cards however my camera takes high format memory cards which are still pretty expensive. I think I can get a 4 gig memory card for 50 dollars but I can only fit 150-200 pics on it. :(