Friday, February 13, 2009

Solid Foods Take 1

So, if the last post wasn't clear I am officially pregnant again! We were incredibly shocked to say the least. I have already had a really hard time with the first trimester morning sickness it is much more difficult than last time. Steve thinks it must be a girl since this time I am incredibly picky about food sooner and in general having a harder time:)

Morgan turned 6 months on Monday which means solid food time. We first went to the pediatrician for his 6 month check-up and shots which went well. He weighs almost 19 pounds and still has a big head. He is also long apparently. Thursday night we set up our new high chair and from there you can watch the video to see his first reaction to being fed solid food. It was so cute.

The weekend before last we all trekked over to Eastern Washington for our nephew's 3rd Birthday. Putting me in a car for 4 hours + each way turned out to be a bad idea. I had serious motion sickness the entire time and just generally felt like hell but it was worth it! We got to see Jamie and Tracie's new house which is amazing and it was so cute to see Morgan and Jaiden together. Morgan I think really wanted to get down and play but he is just not coordinated enough yet to do so. Soon though I am sure they will have a lot of fun together:) Here are a few photos from the past few weeks...

Tracie gave Morgan his first try at a sippy cup...

Then we bought one when we got home for him to play with

Here is Jaiden with his yummy Cars b-day ice cream cake! I ate way too much and made my self sick:)

Musashi decided the baby wasn't scary enough to chase him off his precious pillows. It looked like Morgan was wearing a dog hat until Mu started posing for pictures...

And here is a shot of Morgan sleeping on the long car ride home from EWa...

It was very difficult to make this post because last week Morgan decided to snatch my spacebar right off my laptop! I haven't been able to reattach it yet. It was the final straw in realizing he can't be left for a second anymore, his sticky fingers want desperately to put anything and everything into his droooly mouth. The past few days he has had some developmental victories...he started clapping and he is making new noises which sound like he is saying Bob over and over again.

I am planning a super cute photo shoot for Morgan this week so more pics to come very soon.

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