Thursday, June 24, 2010

It was Lily's 9 month Birthday yesterday...

and she WALKED! She went from the ottoman to the music table without any assistance. It was basically one big step, but she did it all on her own.

I had to post this here because I know some of our adoring fans don't use Facebook and missed the news yesterday (yes, you Kathy Wax!) ;) hehehe.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

the Beach

Today when Steve came home from work we packed up and headed to Kayak Point with the kids and my Mom for some sand, water, fire, tofu dogs, and marshmallows. We had the BEST time. It felt like an actual vacation and we were only there 4 hours, but it was so relaxing and beautiful.

Here are some pics...


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Times are a changing...

Well, I was bored tonight and started messing around with Blogger's new design tools and before I knew it I accidentally changed the look of my blog and can't get the old look back. So, welcome to the new blog! It may change again. I am not sure I like this look or not.

This past weekend I attended a Studio lighting class by Zack Arias and it was phenomenal. I learned so much. Last night I got out my speedlight to see if I really did learn a thing or two and turns out I did! This picture was not meant to be a great picture, just a picture with really great light. I would say it's a mediocre picture with pretty good light, but not great.

Poor Lily was up for her late night bottle and before she could get back to sleep I stuck a giant flashy umbrella in her face. She was very confused...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lily 8 months old

Here are a couple shots of Lily. The bottom two are the same; the only difference is one is Black and White. I think that might be the best black and white conversion I have ever done. The contrast is so beautiful I can't stop looking at it. It doesn't help that Lily looks so beautiful and perfect in it either! =)

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Morgan has been obsessed with brushing his teeth! Today he brushed his teeth 5 times. I refuse to discourage it so I just let him go for it. The best part is at the end he pretends to gargle by making this crazy wrghl wrghl noise and then pretends to spit saying pttt pttt into the sink. Here he is tonight ready to get his toothbrush...

On the Lily front there is BIG news! She is now a proud owner of one tiny sharp baby tooth on the bottow front right. She bit my toe to prove it.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Memorial Day weekend

Our weekend started off bad. very bad. Lily smashed her face into our hard plastic Thomas the Train toy causing her to get a giant goose egg right between the eyes and a little black eye. It was so sad to look at her. Luckily it wasn't serious although when looking at her the first night you would have thought otherwise. (She now stands unassisted. Next comes the toddling around! My life is about to get really interesting.)

Saturday, I went out with a friend to a movie and lunch and during lunch I get a call from Steve who was leaving the ER because poor Morgan's elbow popped out of place again. Luckily it was just Nurse Maid's elbow and the DR fixed it quick and all was fine. Not a pleasant way to spend the afternoon though for Steve especially since he was supposed to get some alone time. =)

Sunday, it all turned around and we went to the Pacific Science Center with friends and their kids. Morgan had a great time and Lily was lovingly lugged around by our friend Lauren who is so great with her. It was nice. We actually got to enjoy the trip because of all the help from our friends (not like our misadventure at the ZOO! ugh.) Morgan especially loved the water center. He was enamored with it. The Dinosaur exhibit scared him making him cover his face in fear. It was so sad and so adorable. We also got him this awesome marble run thingy from the gift shop and he is obsessed with it. That is a story for another time though.

After the Science Center we rushed home and had a yummy BBQ with some other friends and their kids which was also a good time. We made vegan cupcakes and Morgan ate a couple bites and within 10 mintues had an epic sugar rush! He was running around like a mad man. It was entertaining, but a little crazy.

Monday, we stayed home instead of going to SAM and the Frye art museum. I slept a ton and Steve lounged out in the living room with the kids. It was nice.

Here are some of the pics from the Science Center...

Lauren and Miss Lily One Sock (you can sort of see her shiner on the left)

Morgan and Cole at the Water Play center (very popular place!)

Busy Busy Busy!

No, that's not a Naked Mole Rat that is Steve!

"Ooooooohhhh...Wooow" (I am positive that is what Morgan was thinking.)

Steve showing Morgan how the toilet works. Not sure if that is a good idea or not.

Steve and Morgan putting together what looks like a wasp.

Here is Shawn taking one for the team: Stroller Watch!

This is Seven, Lauren's son. He is almost 11 and wanted me to take this picture very very very badly. =)

When Steve took Morgan away from this he threw a huge tantrum.

I will probably post a couple more.