Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rainy Sick day...

Well, we had planned on going to the Children's Museum in Everett today, but everyone is sick again. We all caught another cold. All of us are super congested and tired. Very very very tired. Scratch that, just Steve and I are reallly really tired. The kids seem to be wide awake. ugh. My step-Mom is awesome and brought us much needed supplies so we didn't have to go out. Pretty much the past few days have been us lounging around the house miserable except for this afternoon when we had a big play fest upstairs with the trains, playdough, and coloring. I also took off his diaper and let him run around naked which he absolutely loved. I had not seen him that happy in awhile.

Since Morgan is sick he gets some extra special comforts like naptime and lunch in Mom and Dad's bed. He was being so cute while eating that I got out my camera to get a few shots. For the first time ever when I got the camera out he started hamming it up. He smiled and played peek-a-boo with me and even looked directly into the lens. Which is a far cry from the past year of him trying to avoid the camera.  Every time he took a bite of food he would put his hands on the sides of his cheeks too. It was very sweet. After he felt he had hammed it up enough he crawled over and wanted to see the pictures! He is not even 2 and knows that he can look at the pictures instantly on the back of the camera.  Here are a couple shots of lunch in bed...

This is right when I got the camera out and he looked at me like, "Oh Mom I know what you are up to!"

In other news, we bought tickets to go to the Snoqualmie Train Museum for the Thomas the Train day in July. We get to go on a train ride with a life size Thomas and meet Sir Topham Hat. The first time we brought home something Thomas related he freaked out and acted scared of it. Only after a half hour would he start to get near it. I am really curious to see how he reacts to this. I am guessing he will either be terrified and we will have to leave or it will blow his mind and he will be sooooo happy. It's hard to say. We are going with our friends Erin and Shaun and their 3 year old son, Cole. I am hoping Jamie, Tracie, and Jaiden come too.

Also, I can't believe I never posted about it, but I finally gave Morgan his first official haircut a month ago! I took off close to three inches. I left it halfway down his neck. It was previously past his shoulders so there was a sizeable amount cut off. I had planned on going to a relative for the haircut, but couldn't wait any longer after seeing a few unflattering photos of him. I think this haircut fits him rather well and I think I did a damn good job since the only thing I ever groom are the dogs. =) 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Death of a Buttercup

Click on picture to view large.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Jennings Park

This weekend was all about Jennings Park. Saturday we spent the day there for our friends son Cole's 3rd Birthday. Morgan had a great time running around with all the kids and Lily was passed from person to person the entire time. She was in heaven with all the cuddling and attention. I also found out that Cole's Mom, Erin, is 6 weeks pregnant. I went to highschool with her and she lives just a couple miles from me. I also have another highschool friend who is pregnant with a girl and lives a couple miles away too. Things are looking up in the social department for Me, Lily, and Morgan. =)  I think the funniest part of Saturday was the birthday cake. Steve tried to get Morgan to try it and he didn't want anything to do with it. He even forced a tiny taste thinking maybe if he got a taste of it he would have some, but no that just seemed to gross him out. We couldn't even force feed him cake. This is a good thing right?! (I am proud of my little vegetarian. He will eat green beans like no one else, but no cake.)

Sunday we hung out with our old friends Myk and Haley. We spent the entire afternoon there wandering around the entire park. It was a work out that is for sure. Jennings has big hills and when you have two babies and a double stroller things get interesting. It was a lot of fun and our friends are so good with kids. Both Lily and Morgan love them.

Lily and Haley

Haley and Lily

Morgan the Bubble Slayer

Morgan the Bubble Slayer

Saturday, May 22, 2010

No Saturday morning cartoons for Morgan.

He was too busy learning how to cook French food with Julia Child!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

This past week Steve and Morgan have been really sick. Steve has a virus and Morgan had a stomach virus. Lots of vomiting and diarrrhea for the little guy. He had no appetite which was the most stressful part. I could only get him to eat saltines and his rice milk. By Saturday evening everyone started to feel better it seemed. Then Sunday morning rolled around and we were all cuddled in bed when Lily suddenly vomited all over me, the pillows, and the bed. This was apparently too much for Morgan and suddenly he started vomiting too. I like to think of it as a homemade Mother's day present for me, synchronized vomiting. Steve said they were just trying to remind me why I get my own day. =P

 Here are my little perpetrators in jail after their bath watching us clean up the mess.

My real presents for Mother's day were an Orchid from Steve and the kids and my Mom bought me an awesome Rhubarb plant, but on the way here she had to slam on her brakes and all but one stalk broke on it. :( Today Steve came home from work with a new Rhubarb plant for me because he felt bad. It was very sweet.

I had great plans of presents for all the Moms in my life, but the sickness was just too much to handle. I think we will have to have another Mother's Day in a week or two.