Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The weekend update

Saturday it was so beautiful out we packed the kids up and did a little shopping and then tried going to Mukilteo beach, but after 5 or 6 times around the jam-packed parking lot we gave up and headed back to Marysville and went to Jennings Park. Morgan ran around with Steve while Lily eagerly watched all the action from the stroller. Morgan is so friendly he just goes right up to strangers like everyone is there to see him.

Steve made the ultimate naptime mistake with Morgan and put him to bed in only a diaper. Well, the diaper came off and Morgan fell asleep in the buff and wet the bed. Fortunately, I got a great photo of him sleeping naked and why wait 12 years to embarass him when I can do it now?! (ooooh also you can't see it that well but he is laying on his new, well new to him, sesame street sheets Steve had when he was a kid! Thank you Kathy!)

Lily at the park looking pretty!

This smile makes Steve laugh every time he sees it. I think it's a bit scary, but it's really the first grin we have ever gotten on camera. Thank you Lily!

Lily Crazy face

Here she is watching all the kids on the playground. She was squaking so loud and kicking her arms and legs it was hard to take pictures. She wants to play sooo bad.

Sunday, Grandma Kathy came over and babysat so Steve and I could get out and have fun before my surgery on Tuesday. We went to the belt Sushi place again and it was soooo delicious. Avatar was sold out again at IMAX so instead we went to the Edmonds waterfront and poked around. It was stunning out so I convinced Steve to let me shoot the sunset from the Edmonds Fishing Pier. It was a spectacular sunset. I am not too impressed with any of my photos though. After that on our way home we drove past the GIANT PCC in Edmonds and had to make a stop there. It was like grocery heaven for vegetarians! We bought a bunch of deli stuff for dinner and lunches since our kitchen is still torn apart.

This heron scared me to death. We were walking back to the car and it was standing next to some bird sculptures and I thought it was a sculpture too until it ruffled its feathers and made me jump! We had already put away my tripod so it's not that great of quality due to low light. I tried to get the tripod out after I realized it was too low light, but the bugger flew away! Bad Bird! 

Tricky heron

This photo should really be clicked on and seen in the large or original size on flickr. It's not meant to be viewed this small. Again, I am not that happy with the quality. I should have lowered the shutter speed some to make the water more smooth. I am not really into this kind of photography. I would rather be doing portraits or elaborate studio shots like movie stills.

Edmonds ferry

Friday, February 19, 2010

Feet and stuff...

This morning I took Lily to the infant story time at the library and there were only three other babies there who were all 8 months old. Poor Lily just looked frustrated that she couldn't play. She seems mentally ready, but physically can't yet. The weirdest thing is there was no story. Not a single one. Instead the Librarian had us jumping, bending, walking, running, etc. It was way too much for my back right now which sucks because I thought this would be one thing I could do which is go to a library, sit down, and listen to a story with my kid. :P

After that My Mom and I went to Target and got a potty chair and a booster seat for Morgan. It should be quite interesting to see what he thinks of the potty chair. We also had to get him one of those cars he loved so much at the playtime yesterday. We found some for only $5 and they are very noisy with no off switch. I should have looked more careful. Typically I don't mind the noisemakers, but these ones have sirens on them and it is a little much after a half hour solid of a firetruck siren going very loudly.

One of my New Year's resolutions was to take a photo a day all year. Lots of people and photographers do it and refer to it as their 365. I have already failed miserably at it, but have allowed myself some slack considering my circumstances. Tonight I got my photo of the day of Morgan upstairs running around on the hardwood floor. He loves it up there. In fact he climbs up on the step to the door and says, "Up, Up", with his hands in the air signaling the door to be opened so he can get up there.

Here is photo 50 of 365....

Morgan Feet.

Morgan feet

One last thing. I was in bed and around 6:20am I hear this conversation happen in the living room...

Steve (to Morgan): Today is Friday! Do you know what that means?

Morgan: No.

Steve: (Laughs) It means I don't have to go to work tomorrow!

Ok, I guess it was cuter in person. Morgan's little voice is the sweetest thing ever.

The night before last I was talking to Morgan and it went something like this...

Me: Will you stay my little baby boy forever and not grow up?

Morgan: No.

Me: (laughs, while my heart literally feels like it is breaking. ;)

/the end

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Library Toddler Story time

Today My Mom, Morgan and I went to the Marysville Public Library Toddler Story time class. It was actually a lot of fun. Everyone there was very nice and the kids were almost all around 18 months old. The librarian started by singing songs with the group and then read books in between. My Mom took the active role during the class since my back is so bad and she did great! Morgan looked very intrigued by the whole show even though he was beyond tired. At the end of the class there is free play where we all take out our favorite toys we brought along to play with. We brought Morgan's magna doodle which was a big hit amongst all the toddlers. Someone brought cars that sped off if you rolled them backwards and Morgan was obsessed with them. He could care less about anything else except those cars. We are going to have to find some for him.

Here is my Mom and Morgan going around the circle getting ready to jump over a candlestick. :)

Here is Morgan with one of the speedy cars.

This was during the sing along part when they were clapping at one point.

Tomorrow, they have an infant story time class and I am going to take Miss Lily pad to it while my Mom reads to Morgan in the children's section of the Library. The infant class is every other week and the Toddler class is every week. I look forward to going more after my surgery and getting to know the other Moms and kids because it was really cool.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The light was great today.

Dad and Son

Lily eyes

Baby Stats!

On my birthday, February 6th, both kids had a check-up. Lily had her 4 month check-up and Morgan had his 18 month check-up. I have been meaning to post their Baby stats from every doctor visit, but always seem to never get around to it. Today is the day though, here you go...

Weight: 14 lb 10.5 oz (62.42% of growth percentile based on weight-for-age)

Height: 25" (66.81% of growth percentile based on length-for-age)

Head Circumference: 17.1" (91.59% of growth percentile based on head circumference-for-age)

Weight: 24 lb 9.6 oz (99.6% of growth percentile based on weight-for-age)

Height: 31.5" (28.44% of growth percentile based on length-for-age)

Head Circumference: 20.24" (99.66% of growth percentile based on head circumference-for-age)

I am wondering if Morgan is going to get his height from my short and stout German side of the family. Lily seems really long, she fits in 6 and 9 month clothing so I am hoping she gets Steve's genetics for height.

Both are very healthy! Our pediatrician said Lily is at the 8 month developmental skill set and Morgan is well over the 2 year old developmental skill set. So things are good. The doctor does not want them to have any screen time at all, but it's hard. We try and restrict it to just Sesame Street in the morning, but somedays it's more than that.

Morgan is starting to say sentences. It is strange, but cute. Miss Lily is grabbing stuff and holding things. She smiles all the time and just laughed for the first time this past Saturday, the 13th, when Steve was pretending to NOM(For those of you who don't speak LOLcat that means munch or eat) her face. :)

One other thing worth mentioning is Morgan has started going into the bathroom, lifting the toilet seat up and will pull his pants down. He then pretends to pull down his diaper and then when he sees fit he pull his pants back up and closes the lid! We are going to budget in a potty seat as soon as we can because he is obviously ready to get started in the potty training process.

President's Day Weekend and VD

Saturday, we went to our friend Alex's house for her annual Tet Party which celebrates the Vietnamese Lunar New Year. She has a son two days older than Morgan named Albert and a 4 year old named Samuel. She is also the person who turned us onto Inglemoor Co-op Preschool so Morgan and Albert are well acquainted. When we got there Morgan grabbed my legs in shyness for about 3 seconds until he saw Albert and all the toys. Oh boy were there toys! They have an awesome kitchenette pretend play set that Morgan headed right for. He loves cooking! We reallly want to get one for him once the upstairs is done. Anyway, Morgan literally did not stop running around the entire time we were there. He had the happiest look on his face too. He looked like he was in heaven with all the toys and kids to play with. There was also some great food and people there.

Here are some pictures from the Party...

This is Morgan posing with Albert for pictures.

Morgan and Albert

Morgan cooking. He is a very serious chef.

Morgan running around with the crash cart.

Morgan with a magic wand.

Sunday, Beth and Jim came over and babysat so that Steve and I could go out to dinner and a movie on Valentine's Day. We wound up hitting some President's day sales at the outlet mall and got some amazing deals on baby clothes. An intersting note about the outlet mall is that it was filled with people from all over the world. We are guessing this has to do with the Winter Olympics and a lot of people are staying in the area since Vancouver, BC is booked solid. Anyway, then we went and saw 'The Wolfman' which was very dissapointing. The trailer was far better than the actual movie. It was lacking substance which is sad because there were great actors in it. After that we went to dinner at the Belt Sushi place in Smokey Point by Target and it was super YUMMY. It was the best sushi I have ever had. It was extremely fresh and fun because all the sushi is going around on a little conveyer belt in front of you and you just grab what looks good. The only problem is EVERYTHING looks good so we wound up eating way too much. Plus the chefs were Japanese and knew what they were doing and they put on a little show for everyone with a good sense of humor. I highly recommend going there. I can't wait to go back. When we got home Lily was sleeping and Morgan was playing with Beth and Jim. Both kids seriously love them bunches. It's nice to go out and not worry one bit because you know the people watching your kids have it covered. 

Monday, Steve had to go back to work and my Mom hung out all day with me and the kids.

Alright, now I am going to back up to the Friday before the weekend. Klayton came over to hang out with me and the kids all day. It was very relaxing. We just hung out chatted some and he played with the kids and helped me out. He also brought some X-mas presents he had bought for the kids. He got Lily and Morgan some really cool clothes. Morgan got a Pink Floyd t-shirt(which he is wearing in the above photos) and an awesome Paul Frank monkey hoodie. Lily got two cool shirts, one of which is black (hehehe) with a unicorn on it, and a beautiful brown embroidered cardigan.  I am so lucky to have awesome friends and family with such great taste in clothes. My babies are always well dressed. Well, except Morgan who has decided lately that pants and socks are no good. He runs around with no pants or socks on all the time now. :)

Here is Klayton holding Miss Lily. Is it just me or does she look a little like Minnie mouse?!

Klayton and Miss Lily

Here is Lily super excited stomping her feet.


 The end.

(Hair Disclaimer: Yes, Morgan's hair is out of control! We are getting him a haircut ASAP. We are going to keep it long and just bring it up an inch or two to get it out of his eyes.)