Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bananas Reign Supreme!!

Here is a menu sample of what I have been coming up with for Morgan =)


Organic whole grain oatmeal with fruit and cinnamon (bananas, apples, pears,or peaches)


Pear, apple, peach compote

Alphabet pasta with tofu, peas, and green beans

Stuffed pepper mix I stole from our dinner before adding salt and tomatoes: Brown rice, soy crumbles, carrots, green pepper, butternut squash ,onion and garlic mashed up

Butternut squash, sweet potato, peaches, tofu, and rice cereal with soy formula


As the title states his favorite food is still bananas by far. He loves them so much it is very cute! The last thing I made was the Squash, sweet potato, peach concoction and he loooooved it. He was opening his mouth for more before he even finished the bite I had just given him.

He is officially a professional crawler, I mean this baby can haul butt! He is a speed demon in our living room it is crazy. His confidence has flown through the roof as far as walking along the furniture, getting up and down, etc. Steve and I need to stop procrastinating on the baby proofing because there is still much to do. Our living room is getting more and more bare each day as we remove our stuff and replace it with baby stuff. Yay for parenthood =)

My pregnancy is going really well, the OB is pleased with how things are progressing and has no worries at all. I have only gained 2 pounds but if you saw me you would think I am lying because I am HUGE! She is definitely getting big and strong, her kicks and punches are at the point where they are very uncomfortable. I can't believe I only have 4 more months left.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Busy Baby Day...

Wow, today was a crazy baby day. Morgan decided to figure out a bunch of stuff all on his own. First, he got the phone and somehow managed to call Steve's cell phone twice. Steve reported hearing lots of slobbery munching noises. I actually heard Steve's voice the second time and wrangled the phone away much to Morgan's dismay.

Later, right when I was putting him to sleep he snatched my earring right out of my ear and threw it. This earring is actually a pretty expensive ebony plug that is now missing. Funny thing is he keeps checking my ear for it.

And then in the afternoon I came into the room and he was stark naked and had peed on his toys and crib! I ran and got the video camera and recorded him naked in his crib, not sure why, but it was really funny at the time and now I have the moment captured for payback later when he's older;)

The grand finale was Morgan standing all on his own with no support. He first did this a couple days ago but only for a few seconds. Today however he did it in his bassinet for almost a whole minute and then later we were gardening outside and I stood him on the grass and to my surprise he stood there all on his own for quite a while. It appears we are getting very close to walking which is a little scary.

Not sure what about today inspired him to accomplish so much baby business but it was so cute I had to share.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

A New Sensibility

Before I was pregnant with Morgan I was extremely desensitized to the news, really very little could shock me and almost nothing could make me turn my head. After becoming pregnant I noticed anytime a news story regarding children came up I could not stand watching, hearing, or reading about it. It has become even worse the older Morgan gets I literally feel nauseous anytime I hear or read a headline about a child murder or abuse or really anything negative regarding children in any way. I just find it interesting how much having a child changed me. I have so many worries now I could never have imagined before having a child.

Last night as I was making dinner literally out of nowhere I had this horrible image flash through my head of an earthquake happening during the night while Morgan would be sleeping in his crib and realized that there is a heavy wrought iron Candelabra loosely hanging by a single nail in the wall right above his bed. I immediately made Steve take it down.

Things like this scare me. Why had I not thought of this before?! What else am I not thinking of or prepared for?! Add about 50 more of these questions/worries circling endlessly through my head and you have about a normal day in my brain.

Anyway, just thought I would share a bit of my new neurosis with you:)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Little Gym adventure...

Last Thursday we took Morgan to the Little Gym and he had so much fun! His eyes were like dinner plates from the moment we walked in to the moment we left. There was a very nice teacher there running the class with lots of parenting and developmental tips and information. We thought we were going to be in the bugs class but they put us in the birds class which is 10 months-18 months old.

It was so funny to watch Morgan look at all the other kids with his big eyes, he was the youngest by far and the only one that couldn't walk. The teacher was saying that many babies that come into a class like this usually will take their first steps there. The whole place is covered in mats and has balance beams, double bars, and various other things.

A big parachute was brought out at one point and a giant foam donut was put in the middle where the babies could stand inside and hold on while the parents twirled the whole parachute around in a circle. Morgan was one of the only ones that didn't cry. He did the cutest thing during this activity, the little boy next to him started crying and Morgan looked over at him and put his hand on his back as if to comfort him. It was sooooo sweet!

The teacher also brought out some rubber balls which was a big hit. She showed us how to teach him to roll the ball back and forth which he apparently can learn to do at this age. She also brought out bubbles, we let Morgan just take off on his own and he crawled right out into the middle with all the other kids trying to catch the bubbles. While the kids were running around popping them one little boy charged right over Morgan landing on top of him. Morgan acted like nothing even happened and kept on looking for the bubbles. It was very funny.

Overall, we all had a really great time. It was so cool to see Morgan interact with other kids which until this point he had only met his 3 year old cousin a couple times. We could tell the class already had an impact on him he was so much more curious and when we got him home and put him in his play area he was more active.

Unfortunately, that was just a free trial class and it's a little more money than we have at the moment since we are short due to school and whatnot so we aren't able to go back which is a big big bummer!:( Anyway, I highly recommend the Little Gym, although I can see it really depending on how good the teacher is that you get. We were lucky and the lady teaching the class we were going to sign up for was awesome. I didn't take any pictures either mainly because we were having such a good time I didn't want to waste it behind a camera.

I am going to post ultrasound pictures soon. The last ultrasound we were at we were able to see our little girl sucking her thumb which was amazing. Morgan did the same thing in the womb and still does if he doesn't have a binky when he's tired. Apparently Steve was a thumb sucker as well so we know who to blame. :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Our Vegetarian Baby

While we were at the beach we bought some organic baby food in jars which was a turning point for Morgan's meals. He absolutely loved the food! It made me wonder what the heck was I doing wrong with the homemade stuff?! I think it had to do with the texture at that point. Since then we have been buying jars of baby food but the organic vegetarian toddler stage food is very hard to find and there are only a couple kinds to choose from.

So, I started researching baby nutrition and vegetarian menus for babies. The resources are limited out there which is stressful and frustrating because it is important he gets the right vitamins and nutrients. I am feeling more confident now after much reading and sifting through conflicting information I feel that I CAN do this right. It's actually easier than I thought, I just need to relax.

He is now eating three meals a day plus his formula. In the morning he gets organic whole grain oatmeal with fruit mixed with formula and for lunch I just started him on soft tofu mashed with chunks of avocado which he really likes. Tonight I made some red lentils with carrots and celery and made some brown rice which I am going to mix with pumpkin and tofu. So, I am saying goodbye to the expensive jar food and back to cooking healthy organic meals. Basically, regardless of what some people think you can raise a very healthy vegetarian baby probably healthier than your average bear since they get a wider variety of vegetables, grains and proteins. This way of eating just takes a little more planning and thought and is healthier in the long run.

So far banana is his favorite food. Lately I have been cutting them into chunks and letting him pick them up or I should say attempt to pick up. When he manages to get a chunk he squishes it in his hand. He has tried a couple times to get it into his mouth but he misses. :(

In other news he had his 9 month check up and weighs 20 lbs.! It is about time we move onto a regular car seat and ditch the baby carrier it's just too heavy now.

I'll make a picture post soon.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!!

9 months old

Yesterday our baby turned 9 months old! Today I woke up to flowers, a card and breakfast for Mother's Day from Morgan and Steve. After a slow lazy start we headed over to the Everett Arboretum for some photo taking fun! I will post more soon just wanted to share this adorable shot right away.

Friday, May 1, 2009

CLAM DIG 2009, Easter, and It's a GIRL!!!

Yesterday, I had my ultrasound and to our surprise we found out we are having a girl!!!!! I couldn't be more happy. I was convinced I was having a boy mainly because I didn't want to get my hopes up and then be severely disappointed. The baby didn't want to show herself yesterday so they were unable to get a profile shot or a good look at her heart so I get to have another ultrasound in two weeks. We almost didn't find out the sex because she had her legs crossed and was sitting on them but the Tech let me get up and move around to see if she would change positions and it worked! (I will admit I went into the bathroom and did jumping jacks, I just couldn't stand the thought of having to wait two more weeks to find out)

It's been a month since I posted and many things have been happening around here. I never did my Easter picture post which was due to lack of energy however I will post some shots still since Steve and I went all over looking for the perfect outfit (which we finally found). A couple nights before Easter our friends Myk and Haley came over to dye Easter Eggs which was fun for all including Morgan who watched from his highchair. We had a good quiet Easter with my mom at our house and had a yummy meal which included my Grandma's potato salad since we had so many damn hard boiled eggs. ;) I would say the most interesting thing about Easter was Morgan's discovery of how to make a motorboat sound with his lips. He did it pretty much all day:) He also likes to vary the sound of the motorboat so sometimes they are happy and high pitch and other times they are mad angry motorboats. The first few pics of the Easter slideshow is the face he makes when motorboating.

Last Weekend we went out to Copalis and stayed at the Sandpiper for our 11th anniversary together as well as for a 3 day Razor Clam Dig :) Steve's Mom, Aunt Terry and his Uncle Per as well as a couple friends of Steve's Mom were there too. Steve dug both our limits each day since I was just not up to it. Morgan and I helped spot clams and gave moral support though. The strangest thing happened right when we arrived Morgan started crawling on his hands and knees. I think the 3+ hour car ride there gave him time to think about it:) Morgan did so well on the beach for the AM clam digs! The first day was very windy and he didn't like it at first but soon figured out how to turn his head away from the wind and was fine. The next two days were gorgeous and there was no wind. The weather was just beautiful and we had a great time!

I'm trying something new this time. Instead of editing every photo and inserting them individually onto the blog I'm just uploading them to Shutterfly as is and then inserting a slide show on here for your viewing pleasure, thus saving an infinite amount of time. :) This way you will get to see more pictures and I will save some sanity of trying to perfect every shot.

Below is the Clam Dig slide show and I will add the Easter Slide show below that as well!

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